As a video production company, we are fortunate enough to be involved with many different and interesting video projects both locally and further afield. Recently we have begun a project working with Ararat Rural Council and helping them to share the redevelopment of their Arts Precinct which includes the Art Gallery and the Performing Arts Centre.

The interesting part about this project is much of the exterior of the building will remain the same, which could leave the local community wondering what’s happening and where is all the money being spent. Most of the action is taking place on the inside, although there will be a few additions added to the outside of the building but this video series is a great way to show the community and other interested parties, what’s happening and keep them updated on progress.

In working for and with the construction company (Nicholson Construction) we are able to gain access to the inside of the project and show the progress and there is certainly plenty going on.

This highlights how video an be used to share what might not be obvious to many, especially those in the community that don’t have access. In this case these videos also become a documentary of the projects progress and as happened with Eureka (now Mars) Stadium in Ballarat it was great to look back and see just what it took, construction wise, to create an amazing outcome.

Think of a well sorted informational video, whether you shoot it yourself or use a professional production company, as a way to share.

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